Review: Twinkle Twinkle Star


Now that I have become a mother for the second time, I find that I am constantly making comparisons between Jessa as a baby and Vienna as a baby. The first month with Vienna was already very different from the first month with Jessa. When Jessa was just born, she had great difficulty transitioning to the world outside the womb. She constantly wanted to be held and as soon as I put her down to sleep all her alarm bells went off and she was immediately awake again. Sleeping alone in her crib, playpen or anywhere else was an absolute no go. Even in the stroller, she often managed to stay awake. Vienna also likes to be close to us, but if I put her away sleeping at the right time she can sleep alone for a few hours at a time just fine

In retrospect, I should have carried Jessa more. But well, as a newborn parent, picking out a suitable sling or carrier did not prove to be my talent. I thought a sling looked nice. The saleswoman in the store did a quick demonstration of how to tie it and it didn’t look like higher math, so that one was the one. Well, and then you find yourself alone at home with not a doll (like the saleswoman in the store) but a living, squirming AND screaming baby in your arms. Just try to get those properly knotted on your belly and chest without getting the mother mafia all over you for dangling them out upside down. Tying also turned out not to be my talent. So the sling ended up in the closet, adios amigo.

Logistics Circus

Now with Vienna, I am the one who, to my feeling then, has the greatest difficulty with her transition to the world outside the womb. Maybe that’s because she was separated from me shortly after she was born, who knows (read my delivery story here). I prefer to keep her close to me. Besides, two children on your own is quite different from one toddler on his own. Not only because you are outnumbered, but mostly because of the logistical operation if you want to go somewhere. Loading two children into the car, taking apart stroller and cramming it into the car and once at the destination the same song but in reverse. And that whole story then twice, because you go there but you also have to go back. Dra-ma. With such a circus for such an unstructured person like me, you think twice before going to the stores for fun. Because then suddenly that’s not such fun. So, from a practical standpoint (but secretly mainly because of my issues with the cut umbilical cord), the search for a suitable carrier began all over again this time. It is said that a second child is easier because of the experience you gained with your first child. And that’s right, because when choosing a carrier I had thus learned that, above all, it should not be too complicated to use. No ninja techniques to get him around this time. Shortly after kicking off my search, I was stranded on the Womboo wear shirt. They might as well have called this shirt the “Diana-carry-me shirt” because this shirt screamed my name! Super simple, ergonomic and hip. Seems almost too good to be true right?

Is it?

But so it is not. I checked the size chart on the website and after measuring myself I knew what size I needed. When I received the shirt next, the first thing I thought when I unwrapped it was “wow, what a sturdy fabric!”. It immediately felt very firm, even once I put it on. This gave me immediate confidence that I could carry Vienna safely in it. Next came the ultimate test; how easy would it be to use? Well, very easily so. I laid Vienna on my chest,pulled the pouch over her and lowered her. Just a quick check to make sure she is sitting neatly in the frog position and done! It was literally squeaked out within 10 seconds. Really ideal. And where wearing a baby carrier really makes me feel mommy to the max, I don’t feel that way at all with the Womboo carrier shirt. I think he looks beautiful and feels a bit of a kangaroo with my mini me in my pouch. People give compliments and older people wish they too had had such a shirt in their time.
Also ideal is that there is a breastfeeding cap in the shirt, making it easy to pull it aside when breastfeeding. Since I still can’t wear half of my own clothes thanks to breastfeeding (I just don’t feel like getting half undressed for every feeding), this is a hard requirement for me. Yes, really a top invention so if you ask me.

Most important: expert opinion

But even more important than my opinion is Vienna’s opinion, of course. Because if you’re walking around with an air alert in your carrier shirt it can be so ergonomic and hip, so it’s no use at all. Fortunately, Vienna and I share the same opinion about the wear shirt; she loves it and is absolutely team wear. Close to me and with her ear on my skin so she can hear my heartbeat, she immediately sleeps in the carrier shirt. If she is more restless one day, I can also easily use it indoors so I have my hands free. She happy, I happy.Vienna may wear the shirt until she weighs 9 pounds, so hopefully she won’t grow too fast and we’ll have a nice long time enjoying this beautiful shirt!

Look here for more information about the Womboo carry shirt!