Review: Mamajillll on Mamaplaats

Original message: WOOO! MBOO

Carrying your baby is really all the hype these days! But then the question is … Which one do you want? Which one suits you best? Lots of different types of carrying. So I met WOMBOO, and this is exactly what I was looking for and what fits me perfectly. I didn’t know that wearing could be so great!

On, in and ready! A child can do the laundry, along with mom now so to speak. Because oh how happy and super excited I am to have “met” the wear shirt from Womboo.

I never thought about wearing d’r with my first. I don’t know what that was, but I don’t think it was as much hype then as it is now either. But which one is ideal and suitable for you? I knew I didn’t want to tie knots or click too complicated. I mean, I have to take little Dane to school with his big sister in the morning, so ideally wanted something that was as quick as possible and totally not complicated. Well and easier like this doesn’t exist I guess?

Wear shirt on, little man in it and KLAAR! So in 2 easy steps, you’re all set. No hassle with knots, twists, folds or clicks. This is what exactly suits me. And with little Dane, too. From the beginning he has been going so well on this. He is so mellow when hanging in the “pouch.” Warm, safe and secure with Mom. Something the little ones really need and thrive on anyway.

Lovely pouch, if this had been there with my first I would have used it back then for sure! I am really a big fan of it. And I like to share my opinion on products that really matter. And not for the brand, but for all the mommies among us. This is really something a mommy2be should really have, handy tip anyway!

Comfort, convenience for both mom and baby, fashionable, and super easy!